Aokigahara Forest, Japan:
Also known as the Sea of Trees is a 35 km forest that lies at the north west base of Mount Fuji in Japan. The forest contains a number of rocky, icy caverns, a few of which are popular tourist destinations.
The forest, which has a historic association with demons in Japanese mythology, is a popular place for suicides; in 2002, 78 bodies were found, despite numerous signs, in Japanese and English, urging people to reconsider their actions. Due to the wind-blocking density of the trees, and an absence of wildlife, the forest is known for being eerily quiet.
It is reportedly the worlds second most popular suicide location after San Francisco's Golden Gate Bridge. This popularity is often attributed to the 1960 novel Nami no To (Tower of Waves) by Seicho Matsumoto, which ends with two lovers committing suicide in the forest. However, the history of suicide in Aokigahara predates the novel's publication, and the place has long been associated with death: (Ubasute) which is the practice of taking elderly people to an isolated area and leaving them there to die either from dehydration, starvation or exposure.) May have been practiced there into the 19th century, and the forest is reputedly haunted by the ghosts of those left to die.
There are no reliable statistics counting total or average body count in the forest. In 2002, 78 bodies were found within the forest, replacing the previous record of 73 in 1998. In 2003, the rate climbed to 100, and in recent years, the local government has stopped publicizing the numbers in an attempt to downplay Aokigahara's association with suicide. In 2004, 108 people killed themselves in the forest. In 2010, 247 people attempted suicide in the forest; 54 of whom completed the act.
The annual body search, consisting of a small army of police, volunteers, and attendant journalists, began in 1970.
It is said to be very haunted by the lost souls, and that if you go there to visit you cant rule out seeing a shadow or the form of a person run by past the corner of your eye. Its even said that through out the whole forest you wont hear one sound from an animal or birds chirping, pretty weird if you ask me.
It shoud be noted that there are more pictures of this forest, however because of the disturbing nature of them I cannot and in respect to the dead will not post them here, if you are felling brave enough however you can type the forest name in your search box and if you have clicked on the right link you will find the R-rated photos, however if you click on the wrong ones you will find regular pics of the forest.
Be warned they are very disturbing and you might not be able to forget what you have seen. I know I can't.
Leap Castle, Ireland:
Built in the 15th century by the O'Bannon family. The O'Bannons were the "secondary chieftains" of the territory, and were subject to the ruling O'Carroll clan.
Some where along the line the O' Carroll clan got the castle, which was then inturn partially demolished in 1516 by Gerald FitzGerald, however it was taken back by the O'Carrolls, are you confused yet, cause I am.
Following the death of Mulrooney O'Carroll in 1532, family struggles plagued the O'Carroll clan. A fierce rivalry for the leadership erupted within the family. The bitter fight for power turned brother against brother. One of the brothers was a priest. The O'Carroll priest was holding mass for a group of his family (in what is now called the "Bloody Chapel"). While he was chanting the holy rites, his rival brother burst into the chapel, plunged his sword into his brother and fatally wounded him. The butchered priest fell across the altar and died in front of his family.
In 1659, the castle passed by marriage into the ownership of the Darby family, notable memebers of which included Vice-Admiral George Darby, Admiral Sir Henry D'Esterre Darby and John Nelson Darby. However the castle was burned in the Irish Civil War in 1922.
While renovating the castle, workers discovered an oubliette, a dungeon where people are locked away and left to die. There were spikes at the bottom of this shaft, and when it was being cleaned out, it took three cartloads to carry out all the human bones at the bottom. A report indicates that these workmen also found a pocket-watch dated to the 1840s amongst the bones, it is unknown who it belonged to. These series of spikes are now covered with a vast amount of twigs, grass and dirt, to protect anyone entering it.

Catacombs of Paris:
The Catacombs were created in the mid 1700's. Residents buried their dead in cemeteries near churches as is still customary in most places.
But as the city grew, the cemeteries quickly ran out of space. Additionally, improper burial techniques often led to ground water and land near cemeteries becoming contaminated and spreading disease to those living nearby, so city officials moved to condemn all the cemeteries within the city limits and move the bodies in those cemeteries elsewhere. The catacombs currently hold 6-7 million Parisians.
Bodies of the dead from the riots in the place de Greve, the hotel de Brienne, and Rue Meslee were put in the catacombs on 28 and 29 August 1788. The catacomb walls are covered in graffiti dating from the eighteenth century onwards. Victor Hugo used his knowledge about the tunnel system in Les Miserables. In 1871, communards killed a group of monarchists in one chamber. During WWII, Parisian members of the French Resistance used the tunnel system. Also during this period, German soldiers established an underground bunker in the catacombs below Lycee Montaigne, a high school in the 6th arrondissement.
The catacombs are reportedly haunted, visitors have claimed that they were touched by unseen hands, others claim to have had the sensation of being followed, cold spots in certain areas a few cases of hysterical breakdowns, few others have claimed to have been strangled.
Poveglia, Italy:
The island first came to be referenced in chronicles in 421 AD, when people from Padua and Este fled there to escape the barbaric invasions. In the 9th century the island started to be intensely populated, and in the following centuries its importance grew steadily, until it was governed by a dedicated Podesta.
In stark contrast to the beauty of its surroundings, the island is a festering blemish. The waves reluctantly lapping its darkened shores will often carry away the polished remains of human bones. When the first outbreak of bubonic plague swept through Europe, the number of dead and dying in the city of Venice became unbearable. The bodies were piling up, the stench was oppressive, and something had to be done. The local authorities decided to use Poveglia as a dumping ground for the diseased bodies.
The dead were hauled to the island and dumped in large pits or burned on huge bonfires. As the plague tightened its grip, people panicked, and those showing the slightest symptoms of the Black Death were dragged screaming from their homes. These living victims, including children and babies, were taken to the island and thrown into the pits of rotting corpses, where they were left to die in agony.
In 1379 Venice came under attack from the Genoan fleet; the people of Poveglia were moved to the Giudecca, and the Venetian government built on the island a permanent fortification, called “the Octagon,” still visible today. The island remained uninhabited in the following centuries. Despite many attempts to offer the island for no price, no one seemed to want it. Perhaps the reason that offers were turned down was that the Romans used the island as a plague station and pit – filling it with thousands of victims over the time of their reign. This was to be the first of the gruesome stories connected to Poveglia.
Local legend describes a mental hospital existing on the island which was ruled by a doctor who went insane. The doctor is said to have murdered a number of patients after which he took to the bell tower to commit suicide. Some versions of the legend say that the doctor was strangled by a mist that rose up from the ground at the bottom of the tower. It is believed that as many as 160,000 tormented bodies were disposed of on the tiny island over the years.
Poveglia, Italy:
The island first came to be referenced in chronicles in 421 AD, when people from Padua and Este fled there to escape the barbaric invasions. In the 9th century the island started to be intensely populated, and in the following centuries its importance grew steadily, until it was governed by a dedicated Podesta.
In stark contrast to the beauty of its surroundings, the island is a festering blemish. The waves reluctantly lapping its darkened shores will often carry away the polished remains of human bones. When the first outbreak of bubonic plague swept through Europe, the number of dead and dying in the city of Venice became unbearable. The bodies were piling up, the stench was oppressive, and something had to be done. The local authorities decided to use Poveglia as a dumping ground for the diseased bodies.
The dead were hauled to the island and dumped in large pits or burned on huge bonfires. As the plague tightened its grip, people panicked, and those showing the slightest symptoms of the Black Death were dragged screaming from their homes. These living victims, including children and babies, were taken to the island and thrown into the pits of rotting corpses, where they were left to die in agony.

In the 1700s the island became a checkpoint for goods and people visiting Venice until two ships arrived with plague on board. For this purpose various edifices were built, including the hundred metre long “Tezon” that still stands. It is still possible to read the writing on the wall by people who were confined there. From that time until the rule of Napoleon Bonaparte in 1805, the island was a confinement station for people with the plague. In the 20th century the island was again used as a quarantine station, but in 1922, the existing buildings were converted into venetian retirement homes. This went on until 1968, when the retirement homes were no longer used, and the island, after being shortly used for agriculture, was completely abandoned. Presently, the island is public property of the Italian state.

It should be stated that the locals simply refuse to go there.
Chillingham Castle, U.K:
The castle was originally a 12th century fortified manor house, founded by the Grey family. In 1344, Sir Thomas Grey was granted a licence to crenellate and he founded the stone quadrangular castle, which is flanked by square angle towers.
The castle occupied a strategically important location in medieval times: it was located on the border between two feuding nations. It was used as a staging post for English armies entering Scotland, but was also repeatedly attacked and besieged by Scottish armies and raiding parties heading south. The site contained a moat, and in some locations the fortifications were 12 feet thick.
This castle is reportedly the most haunted in the U.K. The most famous spirit who inhabits the castle to this day is known as "Blue Boy", who as midnight rings out will cry and moan in agony (or maybe fear). The noises were traced to a spot near a passage cut through a ten foot wall. When the bloodcurdling wails die away a soft halo of light appears around an old four poster bed. Anyone sleeping in the bed even to this day, can see the figure of a young boy dressed in blue, and surrounded by light. Behind the wall the bones of a young boy and fragments of blue clothing were discovered.
Another ghost, Lady Mary Berkeley, searches for her husband, who ran off with her sister. Lady Mary, desolate and broken hearted lived in the castle by herself with only her baby girl as a companion. The rustle of her dress can be heard as she passes you by in the turret stairs.
Castle also has a remarkable and sinister torture chamber. This is not for the faint hearted, the torture chamber still has on display some of the most vicious and gruesome instruments used for punishments. These include a stretching rack, a bed of nails, a nailed barrel and a spiked chair labelled with a warning not to sit on it, so please bring a torch. The most daunting sight is the calm and serene face of the Iron Maiden with it's sinister and horrible larger than life sized hinged metal casing for a live body. There are also the thumb screws, chains, leg irons, man traps and branding irons. If that is not enough there is the castle dungeon which is lit only by a narrow slit in the thick wall and marked with the crudely cut scribbled letters of previous unhappy prisoners. There is a trap door in the floor through which can be seen the very genuine bones of a child in the vault below.
Greyfriars Kirkyard, U.K:
Is a graveyard surrounding Greyfriars Kirk in Edinburgh, Scotland. It is located at the southern edge of the Old Town, adjacent to George Heriot's School. Burials have been taking place since the late 16thn century, and a number of notable Edinburgh residents are interred at Greyfriars.
The Greyfriars Cemetery is reputedly haunted. One such haunt is attributed to the restless spirit of the infamous "Bloody" George Mackenzie buried there in 1691. The Mackenzie Poltergeist is said to cause bruising, bites and cuts on those who come into contact with it and many visitors have reported feeling strange sensations. A schoolboy, hiding in the vault to escape a beating from a master at George Heriot's school, supposedly got trapped here and lost his mind on being confronted by the ghost.
Bran Castle, Romania:
The first documented mentioning of Bran Castle is the act issued by Louis I of Hungary on November 19, 1377.
It is situated on the border between Transylvania and Wallachia.
It is situated on the border between Transylvania and Wallachia.
It is commonly known as "Dracula's Castle" although it is one among several locations linked to the Dracula legend, including Poenari Castle and Hunyad Castle.
It is associated with Vlad Dracul III aka Vlad the impaler, who was the inspiration for Dracula.
He is probably one of the most infamous images of cruelty, due to his preferred method of torture, the impalement. But the cruelty doesn’t end here. Dracula preferred even more gruesome tortures, including hammering nails into the thief’s head, hacking off limbs, blinding, and strangulation, burning or boiled alive, scalping or skinning alive.
And even though he never lived in the castle itself it is said to be haunted by the people Vlad killed, even though he is in some cases called cruel the people in Transylvania see him as a hero with justified means to his actions and in some cases I believe he was, lets face it during his reign there was hardly any thieves, so in most cases it was peaceful but then again the people could have been terrified.
Hunyad Castle, Romania:
This Castle is in Hunedoara Romania, and was built in 1212. This was also were Vlad III aka Vlad the impaler was held as a prisoner for 7 years after he was overthrown in 1462.
Hunyad Castle, Romania:
This Castle is in Hunedoara Romania, and was built in 1212. This was also were Vlad III aka Vlad the impaler was held as a prisoner for 7 years after he was overthrown in 1462.
The castle is a relic of the Hunyadi dynasty. In 1409, the castle was given to John Hunyadi's father, Voyk, by Sigismund, king of Hungary, as severance.
Chillingham Castle, U.K:
The castle was originally a 12th century fortified manor house, founded by the Grey family. In 1344, Sir Thomas Grey was granted a licence to crenellate and he founded the stone quadrangular castle, which is flanked by square angle towers.
The castle occupied a strategically important location in medieval times: it was located on the border between two feuding nations. It was used as a staging post for English armies entering Scotland, but was also repeatedly attacked and besieged by Scottish armies and raiding parties heading south. The site contained a moat, and in some locations the fortifications were 12 feet thick.
This castle is reportedly the most haunted in the U.K. The most famous spirit who inhabits the castle to this day is known as "Blue Boy", who as midnight rings out will cry and moan in agony (or maybe fear). The noises were traced to a spot near a passage cut through a ten foot wall. When the bloodcurdling wails die away a soft halo of light appears around an old four poster bed. Anyone sleeping in the bed even to this day, can see the figure of a young boy dressed in blue, and surrounded by light. Behind the wall the bones of a young boy and fragments of blue clothing were discovered.

Castle also has a remarkable and sinister torture chamber. This is not for the faint hearted, the torture chamber still has on display some of the most vicious and gruesome instruments used for punishments. These include a stretching rack, a bed of nails, a nailed barrel and a spiked chair labelled with a warning not to sit on it, so please bring a torch. The most daunting sight is the calm and serene face of the Iron Maiden with it's sinister and horrible larger than life sized hinged metal casing for a live body. There are also the thumb screws, chains, leg irons, man traps and branding irons. If that is not enough there is the castle dungeon which is lit only by a narrow slit in the thick wall and marked with the crudely cut scribbled letters of previous unhappy prisoners. There is a trap door in the floor through which can be seen the very genuine bones of a child in the vault below.
Greyfriars Kirkyard, U.K:
Is a graveyard surrounding Greyfriars Kirk in Edinburgh, Scotland. It is located at the southern edge of the Old Town, adjacent to George Heriot's School. Burials have been taking place since the late 16thn century, and a number of notable Edinburgh residents are interred at Greyfriars.
The Greyfriars Cemetery is reputedly haunted. One such haunt is attributed to the restless spirit of the infamous "Bloody" George Mackenzie buried there in 1691. The Mackenzie Poltergeist is said to cause bruising, bites and cuts on those who come into contact with it and many visitors have reported feeling strange sensations. A schoolboy, hiding in the vault to escape a beating from a master at George Heriot's school, supposedly got trapped here and lost his mind on being confronted by the ghost.
awesome blog ...check my out im very interested in the paranormal as well i look forward in reading more of your blogs.
ReplyDeleteI have heard Most Haunted Stories of a palce Located between Buffalo and Rochester in East Bethany, Rolling Hills Asylum dates back to 1827 when it opened as the Genesee County Poor Farm, aka "The Old County Home." Its original building was a carriage house and stagecoach stop, operating since 1790, but the land was chosen because it was mid-county and accessible to all.