
Tuesday, August 7, 2018

New Update soon

First off i wanted to say my new Chihuahua has been making so much progress I couldn't be happier with how far he's come. He went from not wanting to be picked up because he didn't understand and getting scared of kisses to getting excited when we come home playing with toys and the other dogs, he is finally starting to realize that he is never ever going to be put up for adoption again and that he finally has a forever home. I myself am trying to stay strong after losing my first fur baby it isn't easy to say goodbye.
     I also wanted to let you all know I'm currently working on a new post, and have also decided to refreshen some of my older post such as the ones about the states I really want to fix those and at least find top ten haunted places for each state and move on to cities in the U.K as well as others.
   I won't be posting them every day I'm hoping to do a post once or twice a week.
  Once again I wanted to remind you all that my other blog will be deleted as I simply find it boring and its hard to do something when your heart isn't in it,